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Tara Crime District Renewal – December 7th Election (2024)

Updated: Nov 22, 2024

The Tara Neighborhood Improvement and Crime Prevention District was established in 2014, with the initial fees collected in 2015. As we approach the tenth anniversary of the District, it is time to renew its authorization. The renewal election is set for December 7th, with early voting starting on Friday, November 22nd. The following proposition will appear on the ballot:

Tara Subdivision Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Improvement District Proposition

Shall the Tara Subdivision Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Improvement District (the "District") be authorized to continue levying and collecting an annual parcel fee on each improved and unimproved parcel within the District for a period of ten years, from 2025 to 2034, in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars ($135) per year, with the option to increase the fee annually by up to 10% of the previous year’s fee, not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200) annually, as provided in La. R.S. 33:9097.22? The proceeds from this parcel fee (after deducting reasonable and necessary collection costs) will be used to support crime prevention, enhance security, and improve the overall quality of life within the District. (An estimated $84,105 is expected to be collected from the initial levy.)

Overview of the District's History and Impact

The original parcel fee, implemented in 2015, was set at $100 per year. In 2017, this fee increased to $110 to fund the installation of security cameras and license plate readers (LPRs). In 2021, both the cameras and LPRs were upgraded. Notably, Tara became the second crime district to connect its cameras and LPRs directly to the Baton Rouge Police Department's Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC). These security measures have not only been instrumental in solving crimes within Tara but have also supported various law enforcement agencies—including the Baton Rouge Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, FBI, ATF, and DEA—in solving crimes beyond the district boundaries.

Achievements Over the Last Ten Years

In the past decade, the District has maintained a strong security presence, contributing to a safer Tara. The crime statistics have been low, with only 14 car burglaries, one armed burglary, and a number of package thefts recorded. There have been a few more incidents but the majority have been domestic in nature, involving family members, guests or employees. Nearly all crimes have been resolved, with the exception of a recent series of car burglaries, which are currently under investigation using homeowner video footage, entrance camera footage, fingerprints, and DNA evidence.

Financial Overview

Approximately 84% of the funds collected over the past ten years have been allocated to security efforts, while the remaining 16% have funded neighborhood improvements such as new entrance signs and ongoing beautification projects. Security-related expenses include over 130 hours of police patrols per month (with additional patrols during the summer and holidays) and ongoing technology costs such as internet and electricity. A detailed breakdown of the annual budget is available on the Tara Civic website.

Reason for the Proposed $25 Fee Increase

The proposed increase from $110 to $135 per year is necessary to address rising costs. In 2024, the hourly rate for security patrols increased from $30 to $35, accounting for approximately $9,000 of the proposed $15,375 increase. Additionally, inflation in service costs has contributed to the need for the remaining increase. The Tara Crime District Commission has managed the parcel fee prudently over the past decade, ensuring that funds are strategically allocated to maintain and improve security and neighborhood services. This fee increase will allow us to continue and enhance these services over the next ten years.

Consequences of Not Renewing

If the renewal does not pass, all services—including police patrols, security cameras, and license plate readers—will be discontinued. Furthermore, alternative funding will be required to maintain the beautification of the neighborhood entrances.

Your Support is Needed

We encourage you to vote "Yes" to renew the Tara Crime District and continue the important work that has made our neighborhood safer.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (225) 205-0470.

Best regards,

Gary Patureau, Chair, Tara Crime District Commission

ACT 408



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