The District, a public body approved by the voters of the District, is a political subdivision of the State of Louisiana as defined in the Constitution of Louisiana and it must abide by all the laws that govern a political subdivision. All voters who own or reside in the District were eligible to vote on December 6, 2014 to create this District. The District Bill passed by a margin of 78% FOR / 22% AGAINST.
The boundaries of our District are the boundaries of Tara Subdivision which is shown on the plat plan listed with the City/Parish. This does not include any businesses that surround Tara Subdivision. It includes all of the homes in Tara Subdivision.
The District is supported by all property (parcel) owners in Tara Subdivision. A parcel fee in the amount of $110 per year is placed on each parcel of property. The parcel fee will expire ten years from its initial levy as provided for on the ballot of December 6, 2014. It will be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ad valorem taxes are collected in the Parish. The parcel fee is allowed to increase by 10% each year, if needed, not to exceed $200 in the course of the ten-year period.
Crime Prevention Commission Board Members
If you any have questions or concerns about The District, please email or contact a CP Board Member. CP Board Members are residents of Tara and are listed in your directory.
Gary Patureau
Term: 2024-2027
Appointed by: Tara Civic Association
Doug Allen
Term: 2024-2027
Vice President
Appointed by: Tara Civic Association
Melanie Sawyer​
Term: 2024-2027
Secretary, Treasurer
Appointed by: District 69 Rep. (Paula Davis)
Brad Bates
Term: 2024-2027
Appointed by: Tara Civic Association
Chuck Cobb
Term: 2024-2027
Appointed by: Tara Civic Association
April Myers
Term: 2024-2027
Appointed by: Tara Civic Association
The CP board meets quarterly and is governed by Open Meeting Laws, Public Records Law, and the Code of Governmental Ethics.
St. Paul Lutheran Church
2021 Tara Blvd.
Next meeting is Jan 28.
Contact Crime Prevention if you would like to attend the next meeting.
The CP board adopts an annual budget in accordance with the Louisiana Local Government Budget Act and shall be subject to audit by the legislative auditor.​
Security Cameras are an important tool to help verify and solve crimes.
Follow these steps if you experience a crime to your property.
Whenever an incident occurs, such as burglary or suspicious activity, it must be reported to the police. Call (225) 389-2000 to make the report. An officer will be assigned to your call and a report will be taken.
If a resident can provide a description of the vehicle and the time frame in which the incident happened, the security cameras will be checked to see if information can be obtained. The data collected on the cameras is typically retained for up to 30 days although this will vary somewhat from camera to camera depending upon the volume of data collected over time from the respective cameras.
This information will be used by police for their investigation purposes. Information collected can help law enforcement with crimes which happened in other areas also. Criminals are active in all subdivisions! Hopefully these criminals will be caught and burglaries will be solved.
After you have contacted police, consider posting the incident on Nextdoor with as many details as possible. Nextdoor is a helpful tool to alert neighbors as well as to ask if anyone saw anything.
Please allow as much advance notice as possible.
All information entered here is kept confidential.